Auth Lab Community

Become An Ambassador Of Auth Lab And Earn Rewards!

What’s the Auth Lab Ambassador Program?

It’s a program initiated by Auth Lab to spread the reputation of the company and the blockchain technology. Auth Lab will authorize the ambassadors to use the company information and do blockchain technology service business in the local area so the ambassadors will be backed by the Auth Lab team and get chances to start their businesses in the local crypto space. 

What rewards can ambassadors earn?

As the ambassadors conduct their business in the local area, ambassadors will be able to earn up to 30% percent of the sales they made. The actual amount will be based on the services we provided, 

  • Development : 5% to 20%
  • Security Audit: 10% to 30%
  • Operating Test: 10% to 25%

The reward ratio is given in a range, based on the project when the quote has been given. 

What do ambassadors need to do?

Simple and easy, just introduce the services of Auth Lab to the clients/users/friends, and Auth Lab will handle the rest of the work, no special technique is required, no office is required, and start the business anywhere at any time.  Ambassadors will get rewarded whenever a deal is made that is introduced by the ambassador. 

More to know

Crypto Business

Auth Lab will keep a tight connection with the ambassadors, the team will also help ambassadors to open their own crypto businesses in the local area based on the contribution they made to the team. 

Partner Discount

Ambassadors will get a partner discount for all services from Auth Lab, the discount is based on the contribution the ambassadors made. 

How to become an ambassador?

Fill out the form with the required information and the Auth Lab team will review the information being submitted, and our staff will get in touch with you and get you into more details when the review has finished.